IQAC in the Frame College plays an important role to assure the quality of college on various levels and deployment of strategic action plans. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, IQAC as a prime part of the institution, prepares activities towards realization of the major goals. It helps to plan various strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance the working of various committees. Each department of the college also plan their own strategies and activities that adheres to the action plan of IQAC. It consists of head of the institution as the chairperson, heads of departments, faculty members, alumni.

  • To define roles and responsibilities of various institutional committees.
  • To achieve academic excellence.
  • To prepare mechanism for quality culture development.
  • IQAC make strategies for long term goals for the upliftment of Institution.
  • Integration and optimization of modem methods of teaching and learning.
  • Research sharing and networking with other institutions on state, national and international levels.
  • Efficient and progressive performance in a timely manner for academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  • Equitable access to and affordability of academic programs for students of all social classes.
  • Act as a nodal agency of the institution to design leaner-centric activities.
  • Development of strategies for different academic, administrative and other promotional activities.
  • Generates and promotes awareness on quality teaching for the betterment of students.
  • To keep the record of all institutional activities.
  • To keep the institution abreast of quality sustenance activities through workshops / seminars / demonstrations / case studies / panel discussions, educational tours/industrial visits, picnics and other activities.
  • Developing realistic and attainable quality benchmarks for each of the academic and administrative activity through plan of action, internal assessment, workshops etc.